Hi!! Sundays are the perfect days to sleep late, eat good food and go see your grandmother (with the bonus of blueberry muffins :D). I also took photos of the stuff I got from work. I love those little perfume samples and brochures you get from shops, and all this was going to be thrown away:
I know that this looks like junk to someone, but for me it's something to decorate my room with :D. |
My room is mostly decorated with one of my interests: pictures of old movie stars. I especially admire Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe, but they aren't the only people covering my walls.
My friend gave me the picture of Audrey for my birthday :). |
Twiggy is one of the most beautiful models, her eyes are huge! |
Most of my posters are either from a girls' magazine Demi or DIY :D. |
I love my wallpaper, my dad didn't love putting it on one of my walls... |
These postcards are from a random gift shop. |
This card I made myself :). |
I just had to buy this book about Marilyn's life when I found it on sale. I didn't know much about her before reading this, and I'd love to have one about Audrey too. The playing cards are from an art museum. |
Oona wrote me something to remember her by :D. |
This is the reason I almost died yesterday:
Warning!! The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Sneak Peak
VastaaPoistaAnd I just died!! Damon <3 and ps. still love your room! ;)
sä et niiiin laittanu tota mun juttuu sun postauksee :-----D APUA -oona
VastaaPoistaAnonymous: I KNOW!! can't wait for season 3 to start! Damon <3<3 and thanks :D
VastaaPoistatotta kai laitoin ton sun jutun, se liittyy meiän blogii ku siin on pingu ;D -Emilia
VastaaPoistaMINÄ annoin sulle Aubreyn ^^ jeeeee, kiva ku tykkäät vieläki ^^ hei tälläsii sisustusjuttuja enemmänki, rakastan!!! :D -Luuris
VastaaPoistap.s. sun huone on vaan niiiin cool! miksei mallinukke päässy kuvaa? :(
Luuris: mallinukke ei päässy kyvaa koska mä kuvasin mun kaikki Marilyn, Audrey jne. kuvat :D se pääsee varmasti seuraavaa sisustuspostauksee :) -Emilia