Hey! Been enjoying the weekend early with a day off (though that means work on Sunday), I've been so lazy but at least managed to do some homework for school! It's weird that I complain about not having enough hours in the day to finish all kinds of projects but when I do have time for them I'll rather watch TV or do something else very useful :D Do any of you have this same problem? Hope I'm not the only one...
Oon nauttinut viikonlopusta aikasin vapaapäivällä (se kyl tarkottaa töitä sunnuntaina), on niin laiskottanut mutta onneks oon saanut tehtyä etätehtäviä kouluun! Outoa täs on se että valitan aina siitä, et ei riitä tunnit vuorokaudessa kaikkien eri projektien loppuun saamiseen mut sit kun sitä aikaa on nii katon mieluummin telkkaria tai teen jotain muuta tosi hyödyllistä :D Onko kellää muulla tätä onglemaa? Toivottavasti en ole ainut...
Mum gave me beautiful jewellery and told where some of them have come from! The watch was her graduation present, the white brooch and matching earrings with flowers were brought by my grandfather from a trip to Russia, and most of the others are from both of my grandmothers. I love old jewellery with a history! // Äiti antoi mulle kauniita koruja ja kerto mistä osa näistä on tullut! Rannekello oli äidin valmistujaislahja, valkoinen rintaneula ja siihen kuuluvat korvikset kukilla isoisä toi matkalta Venäjälle ja suurin osa muista on saatu mun isoäideiltä!
This came in the mail today, finally new covers for my phone! It's really hard to find any for my model in stores and the old ones are a bit boring and gather dust easily :D // Tää tuli tänään postissa, vihdoinkin sain uudet kuoret tohon mun kännykkään kun kaupoista ei löydy millään tolle mallille kuoria! Noi vanhat oli aika tylsät ja kerää helposti pölyä :D
Next the rest of the shopping from London: amazing galaxy nail wraps, Rimmel eye shadow palette, and a shading brush!
Can't wait to put these on my nails, just love the galaxy print :)
These rain boots have been in good use already since all the snow has started to melt, they're so cute you can wear them in public as well :D
Since the sun is shining nice and warm I've been able to use this Bershka fake leather jacket already! I'll have to dig my black Mango leather jacket out as well...
Outfit from Wednesday with H&M shirt, belt and skirt!
Outfit from yesterday with the last of the shopping: a white studded blazer from H&M! Also wearing H&M top and GT skirt.
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